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EHA2024 Hybrid Congress

Join us in Madrid for access to a wide range of sessions, including plenary lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions, interactive workshops, and more. The scientific program will focus on cutting-edge hematology and various topics, including hemostasis and thrombosis, hematologic malignancies, transfusion medicine, and stem cell transplantation.

In addition to the scientific program, the EHA2024 Hybrid Congress is an opportunity for attendees to network, connect with fellow members, and interact with colleagues, experts, and industry partners.

We look forward to making EHA2024 Hybrid Congress an engaging and informative Congress for professionals in hematology. Whether you are a clinician, researcher, or industry professional, the EHA Congress is a unique opportunity to get up-to-date on the latest developments in the field and connect with colleagues from around the world.


EHA2024 Registration (ehaweb.org)


EHA2024 Presidential Sessions Speakers (ehaweb.org)


EHA2024 Hybrid Congress (ehaweb.org)




Appel à candidatures MaRIH pour l’EHA 2024

3 Internes seront pris en charge par la filière MaRIH pour assister au congrès européen d’hématologie afin d’interviewer sur place nos médecins experts des centres de référence, sur les communications importantes qu’il fallait retenir autour des maladies rares immuno-hématologiques.

Candidatures sur CV et lettre de motivation à contact@marih.fr jusqu’au dimanche 3 mars minuit.

En partenariat avec les associations d’internes AIH et AJI.

MaRIH_Appel à candidature_EHA2024